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Petra Fransson

Skådespelandets radikala potential Abstract Med Skådespelandets radikala potential vill jag artikulera skådespelaren som upphovsman och en sådan positions utmaningar och möjligheter. Projektet navigerar i ett produktivt fält som undersöker spänningen mellan gestaltningsarbete inom ramen för den institutionella teatern och en praktik där den gestaltande kroppen också äger verkets idé. Tematiskt för - 2025-03-07

Christina Ouzounidis

Christina Ouzounidis har disputerat Fredagen den 22 april disputerade Christina Ouzounidis - dramatiker, regissör och författare - på Teaterhögskolan, med sin konstnärliga avhandling Tvivel - replikernas poetik. Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson var opponent och betygsnämnden bestod av Ingrid Elam, Christian Lollike, Christine Sarrimo, John Swedenmark och Mads Thygesen. Ylva Gislén har varit handledare. Tvive - 2025-03-07

Examensproduktion #2: It's A Family Affair - En teaterfestival i tre delar

Om föreställningen Välkomna till årets andra examensproduktion vid Teaterhögskolan i Malmö! Vi är stolta att presentera tre originella föreställningar, skrivna av våra examensstudenter vid dramatikerprogrammet, framförda av examensstudenterna vid skådespelarprogrammet i ett unikt samarbete. Urpremiär den 17 maj på Bryggeriteatern.Familjen är dramatikens grundmaterial. Relationen mellan föräldrar o - 2025-03-07


Här kan du se våra studenter i höst Sandra Louise LindquistPjäs: ”Zilan B. min historie” Regi: Marc van der Velden. Premiär 6 nov.ZeBU GesterPjäs 1: ”Snödrottningen” Regi: Josefine Andersson. Premiär 1 oktBorås stadsteateräs 2: ” Cabaret” Regi: Ragna Wei. Premiär 26 nov.Borås stadsteater ht - 2025-03-07


13-20 september på Inter Arts Center i Malmö VÄGGENAV ELFRIEDE JELINEKEn spis. En cigarett. Ett nylonnattlinne. Den nakna huden.Elfriede Jelinek, Sylvia Plath, Ingeborg Bachmann och Marlen Haushofer kommer att berätta sanningen för er. Men det skulle inte gå om föremålet för insikten var en annan människa. Alltså är det en vägg.I denna den femte och sista delen av Elfriede Jelineks svit Prinsessdr - 2025-03-07

Examensprojekt Konceptuell scenkonst 2024

2024 års avgångsstudenter i Konceptuell scenkonst redovisade under vårterminen sina examensprojekt. Konceptuell scenkonst avgångsstudenter 2024 Avgångsstudenter 2024Amanda Wahlström, Em Lang, Emma Krafft, Konrad Holmqvist, Linda Blom, Kalle Syri, Pelle Holmqvist, Maja Ellborg och Sophia Krowicki.  Läs mer om utbildningen i Konceptuell scenkonst Våra studenter Här presenterar vi våra programstuden - 2025-03-07

Johan Isaksson - Navigation by Sound

Johan Isaksson - Navigation by Sound Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?My name is Johan Isaksson and I immensely enjoy developing ideas and products. My Leapfrogs idea is to help heavily visually impaired people in navigating their surroundings by using properties of sound, much like bats or dolphins do. The main inspiration came from a man who was playing a popular vide - 2025-03-07

Karl-Johan Öhlin

Karl-Johan Öhlin Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?I got the idea of doing this when I started to move around a lot in Sweden, studying at universities. I knew there were a lot of regulations when it comes to angling/sport fishing on the west coast, but had to struggle to find out about what the rules were in other places. I thought there should be some kind of easy to - 2025-03-07

Kent Ngo - FoPo Food Powder Ngo - FoPo Food Powder Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?I am Kent, the designer and co-founder of FoPo Food Powder. Basically FoPo wants to revolutionize the current food system, where 40 percent of the food produced is being wasted. Our idea is to collect fruits and vegetables, which would have been thrown away by groceries - 2025-03-07

Love Ossler - Läxhjälp med pensionärer

Love Ossler - Läxhjälp med pensionärer Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? Our team consists of Love Ossler and Olof Martinsson. We are two mechanical engineering students who just finished our third year at our program. We want to try to employ retired people to give homework assistance to elementary and high school students. Our company is mainly focused on helping stud - 2025-03-07

Malcolm Horal

Malcolm Horal Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? My name is Malcolm Horal. I’m a 4th year student working on an application which will bring a presentation, performance or an announcement closer to the listener. No matter the place, conditions or languages you understand. I was watching all these hearing devices being handed out at a seminar so that the audience could ta - 2025-03-07

Marcus Zethraeus - Oncloudify  Marcus Zethraeus - Oncloudify Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? About one year I noticed that every student organization in Lund handles its members on Google Drive. However, the cloud platform has its limitations: why can’t you communicate with these people directly from the data source?Oncloudify is an extension to Google Drive that enables busin - 2025-03-07

Melinda Mai Dinh - FavrHero

Melinda Mai Dinh - FavrHero Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?After graduating from my second bachelor degree in Strategic Management from Lunds University, my close friend left to study in San Francisco for three months. I wanted to surprise him on his birthday by preparing a scavenger hunt. With no contacts in San Francisco, I had difficulties finding companies or peop - 2025-03-07

Michael Yang - Yang Yang

Michael Yang - Yang Yang Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?It is a common tradition in Asia that you buy something locally for you family and friends. Many visitors had hard time looking for special gifts in Sweden when they were going home. We came the idea to create a gift basket includes several typical Swedish food for foreign business and research visitors in Sweden - 2025-03-07


Jobba heltid med din affärsidé För dig som är student i Skåne och Blekinge och vill testa din idé. Ansökan för Leapfrogs 2025 har nu öppnat! Leapfrogs 2025 Info & Tips Want to apply to the Leapfrogs 2025 program? Join our digital info session on February 7th, 2025, from 12:00–13:00. We’ll cover essential details, answer your questions, offer insider tips and supply you with the documents you need - 2025-03-07

Mirjana Krisanovic - Run for Life

Mirjana Krisanovic - Run for Life Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?We are two driven students who like to get engaged in projects that can help people in need. Since we both spend a lot time running we wanted to create a charity run that is completely transparent and that donates 100% of the entry fees to charity. Through thorough documentation Run for Life will allow p - 2025-03-07

Nestor Campos - IUNGO

Nestor Campos - IUNGO Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea? As designer I like to think everything from the beginning, the way we use objects and the relation between tradition and new technologies.Iungo was a toy created as alternative to all the toys full with plastic and electronics, a toy that brings honest materials, aesthetics values to kids, challenge them to use the - 2025-03-07

Niels Bailleul - Didici  Niels Bailleul - Didici Describe yourself and your project. How did you get the idea?I have since a few years back had an urge to help people in general. The project, Didici, gives the opportunity to achieve this by establishing a tuned variant of SI (Didici-method) at lower secondary school. This method maximizes the pupils as a learning/teaching resource and creates the leaders of - 2025-03-07