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BECC is part of ClimBEco, an interdisciplinary research school focused on Climate, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a changing world. BECC also offer undergraduate studies and the possibility to do your thesis work within one of our research areas. ClimBEco graduate research school To foster a new generation of researchers that can address societal grand challenges BECC, together with the SR - 2025-02-01

Drivers of recent breeding distribution and population changes in Swedish bird populations

This project aims to describe the impact of recent climate change on birds utilising data from the Swedish Breeding Bird survey. We are taking a number of different approaches with the aim of gaining a holistic overview of how population changes can drive distribution shifts and in turn drive changes in bird communities.Detecting distribution shifts in Swedish birdsChanging climate is expected to - 2025-02-01

BECC support functions

BECC supports its researchers with different outreach and cooperation activities. As a BECC researcher you are also expected to highlight your affiliation when communicating your research. On these pages we have gathered valuable information and tools for outreach and communication.  Administrative supportThe BECC administration is a strategic support for the board. We are also here to help you as - 2025-02-01

Preliminary results from the STAKE project

Preliminary results from the STAKE project indicate that BECC needs to work more systematically with stakeholder interaction (SI). The project continues with a broader study of environmental researchers in Sweden and how they work with SI, with a study of how researchers try to respond to Formas demands for SI, and finally with a guideline for how SI can be conducted in a systematic way. The BECC - 2025-02-01

Principal Investigators (PIs)

BECC consists of scientists at different stages of their career. A particular role is played by BECC’s Principal Investigators (PIs) who, as representatives and leaders within the research groups encompassed by BECC in Lund and Gothenburg, contribute to the development of BECC. A Principal Investigator (PI) in BECC is a permanently employed researcher at LU or UGOT (as researcher, associate senior - 2025-02-01

Trade-offs and synergies between biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services

How can increased demands for food and fibre be combined with conservation of biodiversity which often is threatened by agricultural intensification and expansion? This project focus on the relative benefits of segregating or integrating conservation and agricutlural production (land sparing versus land sharing). On one hand it has been suggested that agriculture should be intensive on existing ar - 2025-02-01

Predicting climate-driven changes in phenology and their effects on populations using evolutionary game theo

We develop eco-evolutionary models and life-history optimisation models to study adaptive phenology and their effects on ecological interactions and populations. Our work guides the interpretation of changing phenology patterns and enhances the possibility to predict the ecological consequences of climate changes. - 2025-02-01

Analyses of climate response and phenological mismatch using data from herbarium specimens

Aims to analyse climate response in flowering time and phenological mismatch using records from herbarium specimens. Phenological data have emerged as effective tools for studying the impact of climate change on demographic processes. Of the biological responses to climate change detected to date, changes in phenological events during the spring such as onset of flowering are among the most sensit - 2025-02-01


Welcome to BECC world leading research about the dynamics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world Cooperation between Lund University and University of Gothenburg 2 universities, 16 departments and more than 300 researchers. From natural to social sciences tackling the complexities of social-ecological systems in a world affected by global change. Stakeholder dialog - 2025-02-01

Research on imperative questions of our time

addressing our society´s need for knowledge about the dynamics between biodiversity and ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world To generate cutting-edge research increasing the ability of societies to reach the UN Sustainability Development Goals, BECC currently focuses on three grand challenges arising from the combined consequences of climate change and land-use on biodiversity, ecosystem - 2025-02-01

Carbon Cycle & Climate Change – 4C (foresee)

One major challenge is to reduce the currently high uncertainty about how the carbon cycle responds to anthropogenic and biophysical drivers, including long-term effects of slow-responding processes of vegetation and soils. The carbon cycle dynamically couples the biosphere, oceans and atmosphere, and links societal and biophysical dimensions of the Earth system. A Grand Challenge is to reduce wid - 2025-02-01

Ecosystem Services under Global Change

A Grand Challenge is to integrate private and public values of ecosystem services into environmental policies and management, while accounting for the projected impacts of climate, land-use and other drivers of change. Climate, environmental and socio-economic change may negatively impact ecosystems and their services. But it may also provide opportunities such as increased agricultural and silvic - 2025-02-01

Biodiversity under Global Change

Climate change threatens biodiversity directly, but also indirectly through changes in land-use caused by attempts to mitigate or adapt to climate change. This calls for effective biodiversity conservation strategies on different scales. The direct and indirect consequences of climate change may have compounding effects on biodiversity, such as habitat loss that limits species range shifts. A Gran - 2025-02-01

BECC strategies and plans

On this page we have gathered strategies and plans that are important in BECC. We encourage all researchers and staff at BECC to read the Research strategy and the current Plan of operations. BECCs work is guided by its research strategy that stretches five years at a time. This is complemented by a yearly plan of operations and a strategic plan for the Grand Challenges.We encourage all BECC resea - 2025-02-01


A. Om du har anmält dig enbart till fysiskt deltagande på förmiddagen, vetenskapligt program på engelska:  - Anländ till LUX aula mellan 08.30 – 08.50 för ankomstregistrering  Karta, LUX aula, Helgonavägen 3, Lund - Start förmiddagsprogram 09.00 - Fika i anslutning till aulan, c:a 10.30 - Avslut förmiddagsprogram 12.20 B. Om du har anmält dig enbart till fysiskt deltagande på eftermiddagen, populä - 2025-02-01

Är du intresserad av ämnet åldrande och hälsa?

Då ska du anmäla dig till vår kurs Att åldras i ett föränderligt samhälle. I kursen, som ges inom ramen för universitetets kursutbud för livslångt lärande, får du en fördjupad kunskap om förhållanden som inverkar på åldrande och hälsa.  Kursen tar ett brett avstamp i begreppen åldrande, hälsa och delaktighet i samhället. Du möter personer som är intresserade av frågor om sitt eget åldrande eller s - 2025-02-01

I samverkan med Helsingborgs stad

Här är CASE:s forskningsprojekt där Helsingborgs stad är samarbetspartner. Kontakt Oskar JonssonBiträdande forskareTel. 072-711 24 25oskar [dot] jonsson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (oskar[dot]jonsson[at]med[dot]lu[dot]se) Pågående forskningsprojekt Hemtjänst i äldres vardag: Ett brukarperspektiv Avslutade forskningsprojekt Stärka akademisk kompetens i omsorgen - 2025-02-01

Stärka akademisk kompetens i omsorgen

SyfteSyftet var att säkra akademisk kompetens i omsorgen i Helsingborgs genom att bidra till utveckling, hög kvalitet och i förlängningen god hälsa och livskvalitet för kunder, närstående och medarbetare inom Omsorg Helsingborg.MålEtt angeläget område för verksamheterna var att förstå varför en stor del av de boende på vårdboendena upplevde ensamhet och vad som kunde göras åt det. Under året koppl - 2025-02-01